
2024 (Upcoming Activities) 


  1. Study on "Techno-economic analysis of Hydrogen production from Renewables-Hybrid mode"

  2. Study on “Acquiring Green and Sustainable Financing for Energy projects”

  3. Study on “Techno-economic Analysis of Floating Solar Power Plants on Water Bodies for Hydel-Solar Hybrid Generation”

  4. Study on “Techno-economic analysis of coal gasification for production of syngas, hydrogen, methane, liquid fuels and petrochemicals: effective utilization of coal with least possible environmental footprint”

  5. Study on “Developing and Operationalizing the Internal and Cross Border Carbon Market”

Knowledge Sharing Webinars

  1. Webinar on “Pumped Storge Hydropower: Opportunities and Challenges in SAARC Region”

  2. Webinar on “Urbanization-Energy demand Nexus: challenges and mitigations”

  3. Webinar on importance of digital technologies in effective management of power grid

  4. Webinar on Modern Clean Cooking Technologies for Rural Households

  5. Webinar on demand stimulation techniques to cater likely excess electricity generation in Nepal

  6. Webinar on “Challenges and Opportunities of Solar Irrigation Pumps”

Special Projects

  1. Training workshop on “GHG Protocol for Measurement, Reporting and Management of Emissions” (3-days, Bangladesh)

  2. Training Workshop on “Navigating the Energy Transition and its implication for SAARC region” (3-days, Nepal)

  3. Training workshop on “Energy Management in Residential and Commercial Buildings” (3-days, Maldives)

  4. Training workshop on “Energy Modelling on LEAP software” (3-days, Bhutan)

  5. Training workshop on “Understanding the functioning of Electricity Exchange” (3-days, India)

  6. Training workshop on “Electric Vehicle and its Charging Infrastructure” (3-days, Pakistan)

  7. Training workshop on “Financial modelling for Renewable Energy Projects” (3-days, Sri Lanka)

  8. SAARC Solar PV Project Kabul; Replacement of Battery Backup

  9. Upgradation of Mapping Application for Areas not Having Access to Electricity and High Voltage Power Transmission Lines in SAARC Region